Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Secret

Honestly, the moment I decided to add this blog post, I was at the impression of putting rants and all. Then I remembered the words from this awesome book "The Secret" that, "It is impossible to feel bad and at the same time have good thoughts." So, to put the bad thoughts around, I'm writing with all the positivity there is left in me. :)

Reading The Secret initiated that 180° turn of my life. I must admit, I'm one of those pessimistic people around town and I can feel bad about someone just as fast as typing this sentence. Now, here's The Secret to turn things around. (and i'm really doing this blog post on the basis of my own interpretation of the book)

If you want something, for yourself, or for others or simply if you just want to feel good...

Rule #1: ASK - Claim it. Claim it like you want it. And when you ask for it, make it your habit to remember it. Make it the thing that you think about the most. Don't let a single bad thought make it slip off your ideas. Focus your thinking on the thing you want and then...

Rule #2: BELIEVE - 'It's mine. It's mine right here. Right now." Imagine what you want to be right in front of you. If you want a cure for your sickness then trick yourself by thinking you are already cured. Even if you're in the littlest form of doubt, believe that you are cured. As I have uttered, do not let a single thought divert you from your goal. You want to feel good... ask for it, and believe that you are feeling good already. Before you even realize it...

Rule #3: RECEIVE - ... you have already received what you have been asking for. Before you even know it,  you're already radiating good vibes.

And just like that, I have forgot what made me feel bad before starting this blogpost. No rants. Just good vibes. :) I've tricked myself to writing something good, so now, I'm  having this honest grin on my face.

Ciao now.

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