Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Reaching the Gigantes Islands of Carles, Iloilo

The Gigantes Islands slash Isla Gigantes slash Las Islas de Gigantes gives travelers the prominence of the word adventure. It is an all-in-one summer trip offering you trekking, swimming, diving and caving -- in just a day if your legs still can. A treasure in itself, the Gigantes Islands is not a common knowledge even for Ilonggos themselves being it located in the northern tip of mainland Iloilo. From Iloilo City, it roughly requires a 5-6h hours trip getting to the accommodations capital island, Gigantes North.

I mean to share my own and our group's overall observations going there and getting back through this blog post. It is actually not my first time to visit the island, so practically, I served as our group's part-time tour guide. I made my first visit with my family and coworkers of my mom sometime in April 2012 (which I missed to take notes of). This second one I had with my UNORSSGO 2012-2013 family. It is an annual practice for our organization to make merry after all the efforts we've put through the school year. We were given a Php30,000 which we owed to budget for 20 pax. Initial plan was to have this farewell party at Boracay Island. Honestly though, 30 grand is just enough for our fare. So, I suggested to have this at Gigantes Island.


  • Step 1: We, coming from Bacolod City, had 2 options to get to Iloilo:
    1. By RORO Vessels that charged us Php 50.00 (Students with valid school ID) and Php 60.00 (Non-students) per one way trip. We chose TriStar Shipping since it was the cheapest (lol) with no air-con units though. Apparently, I encountered one TriStar Vessel (same charges) that had air-con but the accommodation was on first come, first served basis. RORO trips from BREDCO Port Bacolod to Dumangas Port Iloilo lasts 2-3 hours.
    Dumangas to Bacolod
    RORO Vessel Trip Schedule
    * sorry found no summarized  Bacolod to  Dumangas RORO trip schedule 
    2. By fast craft (Ocean Jet, Weesam and so forth) which costs Php500-600 per round trip ticket that'll get you to Iloilo City in only an hour or two.
* will update this later.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Secret

Honestly, the moment I decided to add this blog post, I was at the impression of putting rants and all. Then I remembered the words from this awesome book "The Secret" that, "It is impossible to feel bad and at the same time have good thoughts." So, to put the bad thoughts around, I'm writing with all the positivity there is left in me. :)

Reading The Secret initiated that 180° turn of my life. I must admit, I'm one of those pessimistic people around town and I can feel bad about someone just as fast as typing this sentence. Now, here's The Secret to turn things around. (and i'm really doing this blog post on the basis of my own interpretation of the book)

If you want something, for yourself, or for others or simply if you just want to feel good...

Rule #1: ASK - Claim it. Claim it like you want it. And when you ask for it, make it your habit to remember it. Make it the thing that you think about the most. Don't let a single bad thought make it slip off your ideas. Focus your thinking on the thing you want and then...

Rule #2: BELIEVE - 'It's mine. It's mine right here. Right now." Imagine what you want to be right in front of you. If you want a cure for your sickness then trick yourself by thinking you are already cured. Even if you're in the littlest form of doubt, believe that you are cured. As I have uttered, do not let a single thought divert you from your goal. You want to feel good... ask for it, and believe that you are feeling good already. Before you even realize it...

Rule #3: RECEIVE - ... you have already received what you have been asking for. Before you even know it,  you're already radiating good vibes.

And just like that, I have forgot what made me feel bad before starting this blogpost. No rants. Just good vibes. :) I've tricked myself to writing something good, so now, I'm  having this honest grin on my face.

Ciao now.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

A Piece of Holy Week 2013

Before I even miss the inspiration to write, I'll have to get this virtual scribbling going. As an annual practice, I , again, celebrated Holy Week in my hometown - Valladolid, Negros Occidental. The Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish which most probably has the most stunning procession in the whole province. Our Good Friday has always been graced with life-sized religious artifacts on top of carosas parading the town's main road. All in all, there are 21 carosas which are sponsored by several privileged Dolidnon families. And it is my pride to share to you my awesome experience...
Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, Valladolid, Negros Occidental, Philippines

UNORSSGO™ v. 2.0.12

2012 brought a huge change for me, and please don't keep your hopes up, it's not something on the romantic level. College has been tough, given alone that I'm taking up such a terrible course - BS Chemical Engineering, hell it is.

With the peers you have, the unlimited charge of paperwork, the discouraging failed experiments, minor subjects acting major-ish, it's really difficult to keep focus. Time management has always been a problem for me. I'd always end up compromising my attendance on one subject to submit to the requirements of another. Aside from that, upon entry in college, I've always thought that I'd get it through without any other affiliations, with merely sticking with my old colleagues - high school friends - who happen to share the same department with me.

It has opened windows of opportunities and doors of challenges. I have been offered by our incumbent SSG President, Mr. Bobb Michael Bokingo, a position in his cabinet. Being the Secretary for Public Information, I have been able to build my confidence in myself and new friendships, trust towards subordinates, cope up with deadlines and meet them and most especially enhance my technical skills by lay-outing certificates, tarpaulins, social media updates.. and so on. It was the first huge office I took the privilege of joining and I'm happy I accepted the challenge.

So, now, lemme proudly present to you my UNORSSGO Family...

SSG Post-Christmas Party (c) January 2013
Our term's close to a close. And, everytime I remember that, it makes me wonder what I'll be doing this incoming school year... without the SSG Office para tambayan, these people to whom I make sagap the latest chikka, plan the coolest birthday suprises (which I haven't experienced myself, yet, and will never will I guess. Lol.), the always hanging-up SSG PC and printer to which I owe a number of my reports and homeworks, freebie shirts and some other random stuff, sponsored trips (my biggest was the one held at Dumaguete City for some outreach program) and of course the stress.

The Stress. Consecutive days of not sleeping to give the student body exciting activities throughout the University Week from Mr. and Ms. UNO-R to the Status Night to the Star Factor to the Hydrolympics to the ShortFilm Festival, oh, that all with simultaneous car shows. U-Week is, so to say, our make-believe week... making ourselves believe that we've had a good-enough share of power naps to reboot us and reactivate our nerves. Good thing we're all good in make-believing. We got through it alive. Yep, alive. 'cause, practically, everyone bagged down every after event having fever and all. What's special with us is that no sickness no sleepless nightsss can keep our team from functioning our jobs. 

We delivered what was expected of us and so much more.

KUDOS UNORSSGO 2012-2013! I will miss you all. 
To our dear graduates - Phoebe Mae Perez, Marie Raphaelle Aboy , Genus Marti Mercurio (Cum Laude) - CONGRATULATIONS! We are truly truly proud of you. Good luck on the job hunting guys. Ari lang kami di, gahulat sinyo libre makasweldo kamo. Hahahaha. I love you!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Paschal Beginning

It's easter and I'm creating this new blog. My initial idea was to revamp my old and unupdated photoblog. Then again, it's been years since my last log in and I kind of forgot the password and the email add I used to create that site. I've always wanted some personal blog apart from my tumblog and this time I'm committed to making this blog my official blog.

Wazzup with this blog? Hmmm. You, my dear reader, hafta expect lotsa pictures and travel posts that's still accompanied with pictures. Photography is just my biggest frustration. However, this habit of mine is - nevertheless - a work on progress. Likewise, you can't very much expect high-end photos here (because I happen to not own my own DSLR camera as what's expected of someone with a photoblog) but know that i'm doing every effort to improve them... photoshop speaking. *wink*

Notice, too, that I put watermark on my photos. It's "chasquared photography." That, my friend, signifies my nickname (Chacha). :)

Even my flickr account has them. Every blogger, I guess, would want their own sense of copyright, yes? In case you're wondering Why Agfachrome? Well, that's easy, "agfa" from the camera company and "chrome" from monochrome type photography. Personally, monochrome appears to me as more of the storytelling type rather than dull and bland as others say. You might as well find a number of my photos on the black and white scheme.

What else.. oh. So yeah, I also layout things.. typographies, certificates, one magazine (just parts of it) and currently, I'm working on this newsletter for a friend. If my work satisfies me, I'll get this blog posted. Teehee. More so, my "elementary" art designs, like my photos, are but works on progress.

May I just stress that I write mainly to express myself. It's already a plus if a really get to improve my writing through this blog which is sort of... my objective. See, engineers are not the best writers but that doesn't mean we're the worst though. Teehee.

Otherwise, I welcome you to the weird and wonderful life of Lovely Charmaine Gomez. Thank you for putting it up this far.

(end of blog)